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原著作者:卡米拉·贝勒  萨拉·帕克斯顿  泰瑞·海切尔  




主  角:卡米拉·贝勒  萨拉·帕克斯顿  泰瑞·海切尔  

简  介:  High school seniors Logan and Blake prepare for  >>更多




  High school seniors Logan and Blake prepare for an epic Spring Break as they travel to the beautiful and exotic Mexican beach resort of Puerto Vallarta hoping tohook up with their high school crushes. Surrounded by hot girls in teeny bikinis| the guys are truly in heaven. After meeting at a club| Logan falls for a mysteriouslocal beauty named Gaby but then realizes the next morning| when his grandfathers Rolex watch is missing| that she was after more than just his heart. Things gofrom bad to worse when the guys discover that the valuable family heirloom is now in the hands of a gangster who demands to be paid triple the watchs value beforereturning it. And thats just the beginning...日落单行本,日落文库版,日落完全版哪1集比较好看日落小说版哪1集比较好看日落推荐版哪1集比较好看日落重制版高清哪1集比较好看日落未涮版哪1集比较好看日落tv版精华版哪1集比较好看日落3D版哪1集比较好看日落TS、TC、SCR、R5、BD、HD版哪1集比较好看日落哪个语版版哪1集比较好看日落哪个字幕版哪1集比较好看哪一个简谱歌谱,简谱曲谱日落的主题曲,片尾曲插曲,片头曲配乐和片尾曲伴奏比较好谈呢
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